The Asia Pacific Down Syndrome Federation(Registered under the Section 10 of the Tamilnadu Act 27 of 1975)

The name of the Society is “Asia Pacific Down Syndrome Federation (APDSF)”. The Asia Pacific Down Syndrome Federation is a non-governmental not-for-profit organization

Association Year

The Official year, including financial year, of the Asia Pacific Down Syndrome Federation shall be from 1st April to 31st March.

Annual General Meeting Powers, functions and duties :

  1. Will be held once a year after the closure of the Financial Year (on or before 30th September) 
  2. Will be chaired by the President and in his absence one of the Vice Presidents shall chair the meeting 
    • To formulate and enforce the policy of the Federation 
    • To carry into effect the objects of the Federation. 
    • To hold Election of office-bearers and the Executive Committee at least once every three years, in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution. 
    • To admit to membership any organization eligible under this Constitution 
    • To consider and adopt the Annual Report of the Secretary, audited statement of accounts for the previous financial year and to appoint Auditors. 
    • To enforce bye laws, all rules and regulations of the APDSF.
  3. The Annual General Meeting (AGM, also known as Annual Meeting of the General Assembly) shall be held preferably in the last quarter of every year at a Place, Date and Time to be decided upon by the President and ratified by the Executive Committee.
  4. The normal Agenda of the Annual General meetings, amongst other things, shall be(when applicable):
    • Confirmation of the Minutes of the last General meeting
    • Consideration and adoption of the Annual Report of the Secretary.
    • Consideration and passing of audited Statement of Accounts for the previous financial year
    • General Elections, if due.
    • To discuss development of Down syndrome and the member associations.
    • Any other item included in the agenda by the Executive Committee.

Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)

    • Special General meeting may be summoned at any time by the PresidentAPDSF and/or the Executive Committee whenever felt necessary 

Executive Committee

      • Election, composition and voting: 
      • Elections shall be held at least once every three years when due at an Annual or Special General Meeting toelect the Office bearers and Executive Committee members, from amongst the eligible members/representatives present.
      1. President 
      1. 3Vice-Presidentsrepresenting the various regions in Asia Pacific area 
      1. Secretary 
      1. Treasurer 
      1. 3Executive Committee memberselected by the board representing countries other than those represented by the President, Vice Presidents and Treasurer.

Powers, functions and duties of the Executive Committee

      • To conduct the business of the Association during the interval between meetings of the Annual / Special General Meetings and duly report all the decisions and the actions to the Annual / General Meetings to which the Executive Committee is accountable.
      • To initiate and recommend to the General Committee schemes for the promotion and development of Down syndrome across the region.
      • To consider the Annual Report of the Secretary and submit it to the Annual General Meeting with their recommendations. 
      • To exercise any other duty or power within its jurisdiction and/or as delegated by the General Meeting.

Duties of Office-Bearers

    1. a) PRESIDENT

      The President shall be the Head of the Asia Pacific Down Syndrome Federation and shall preside over all meetings of the Assembly and Executive Committee. He shall guide the Asia Pacific Down Syndrome Federation in all its activities. He shall exercise superintendence over office-bearers and members of the Executive Committee and other Commissions in the discharge of their duties. He shall have overall powers of supervision over the working of the association and its efficient administration.

      In particular, the President shall have the following powers/ responsibilities:-

      • To implement the objectives of the Association
      • To deal with all disciplinary matter arising in the APDSF as per rules on the subject provided that any decision in relation to those matters shall be made by the Executive Committee and/or the General Meeting.
      • The President of APDSF may propose the formation of various APDSF Committees and the Members of those Committees, subject to ratification by the Executive Committee.
      • The President may perform any other tasks/functions as directed by the Executive Committee or the General Meeting.
      • In the absence of the President, one of the Vice Presidents shall preside over the meetings.
      • The Vice Presidents may perform any other tasks/functions as directed by the President, the Executive Committee or the General Meeting.
    3. c) SECRETARY
      • The Secretary shall be in charge of the day-to-day administration of the association and shall transact all office business in accordance with the decisions of the President, APDSF, General Assembly and Executive Committee.
      • He shall be responsible for calling meetings of the APDSF Annual General/Special General Assembly/Executive Committee as per rules and to implement their decisions.
      • He shall be responsible for carrying on all correspondence in the name of the Association save as otherwise directed by the President.
      • He shall keep and maintain the minutes of all meetings of the APDSF General Assembly and Executive Committee of the Association, the register of Members and all such records as may be necessary for the smooth and efficient working of the Association.
      • He shall prepare and submit at the Annual General meetings of the Association his Annual Report. He shall convene meetings of the Association under the directive of the President.
      • The Secretary may perform any other tasks/functions as directed by the President, the Executive committee or the General Meeting.
    4. d) TREASURER 
      • He shall be responsible for the management of the finances of the Association and ensure that the accounts of the Association have been maintained properly and audited regularly.
      • He shall receive all moneys of the Association and shall pay all bills certified by the President or Secretary.
      • He shall, in consultation with the Finance Commission, prepare and submit an Annual Income and Expenditure Account, together with a duly Audited Balance-Sheet.
      • He shall also maintain an inventory of the Association’s property and submit the same along with the accounts.
      • The Treasurer may perform any other tasks/functions as directed by the President, the Executive Committee or the General Meeting.